我非常榮幸能為上海A.T. House酒店親手繪製一隻專屬的復興貓。這隻貓身上的每一個圖案都與酒店的歷史背景及特色緊密相連。從酒店深厚的文化底蘊到獨特的建築風格,我的設計旨在通過這隻貓傳遞出酒店的故事與精神。遊客們可以透過拍照打卡的方式,發掘復興貓身上的各種細節與元素,讓他們在輕鬆的互動中深入了解AT House酒店的藝術特色和文化內涵。
這次作品不僅是一個藝術實驗,更是一段鼓勵人們探索與發現的旅程。希望透過復興貓,能讓更多人感受到藝術的魅力,並對AT House酒店留下美好的印象。
The Shanghai Fu-xing Arts Festival is an annual event held every autumn, blending art, culture, music, and the city's unique characteristics. The "Fu-xing Cat" is the festival's mascot, and this year, 26 Cats are scattered across various corners of the city, offering visitors a chance to take photos and share fun and interactive moments.I am truly honored to have personally designed a special Revival Cat for the Shanghai A.T. House Hotel. Every pattern on this cat is closely tied to the hotel’s history and distinctive features. From the hotel’s rich cultural heritage to its unique architectural style, my design aims to convey the story and spirit of the hotel through this cat. Visitors can explore the various details and elements on the Revival Cat through photos, allowing them to gain a deeper understanding of the artistic and cultural essence of the A.T. House Hotel in a relaxed, interactive way.This project is not just an artistic experiment, but also a journey that encourages exploration and discovery. Through the Revival Cat, I hope to inspire more people to experience the charm of art and leave with a lasting impression of the A.T. House Hotel.