A.T.House Hotel
Visual Identity Rebranding
A.T.House 坐落於上海徐家匯——這片歷史悠久的區域見證了中西文化的深刻交匯。作為西方幾何學首次被翻譯成中文的地方,徐家匯承載著豐富的歷史與文化內涵,同時也孕育著無數藝術與創意的火花。土山灣藝術區的誕生,更是使這片區域成為中國藝術與創意的發源地之一。
我們的品牌從這段歷史中汲取靈感,並以當代美學重新詮釋“匯”字的深層意涵。匯,不僅是三條河流的交匯點,它更象徵著不同文化與思想的交融與碰撞。設計中,我們運用了現代藝術裝飾風格(Art Deco)的幾何元素,向這段歷史致敬,創造了一個既帶有復古經典韻味,又融合現代高端感的品牌體驗,讓每位來賓都能在此感受到文化的深度與藝術的美感。我們的品牌是過去與當代的橋樑,將歷史與創新完美結合,呈現出一種獨特而永恆的美學。
A.T.House is located in the historic Xujiahui area of Shanghai—a place where Eastern and Western cultures have deeply intersected. As the site where Western geometry was first translated into Chinese, Xujiahui carries a rich historical and cultural significance, and has become a fertile ground for artistic and creative innovation. The emergence of the Tushanwan Art District has further established this area as a major birthplace for art and creativity in China.
Our brand draws inspiration from this history, reinterpreting the deeper meaning of the character "匯" (hui) through contemporary aesthetics. "Hui" is not only the point where three rivers converge, but also symbolizes the fusion of different cultures and ideas. In our design, we incorporate modern Art Deco geometric elements to pay tribute to this history, creating a brand experience that blends a touch of vintage classicism with modern sophistication. Here, every guest can experience both the depth of culture and the beauty of art. Our brand serves as a bridge between the past and the present, perfectly combining history with innovation to present a unique and timeless aesthetic.

Brand Pattern